RFID Card Readers

RFID Card Readers: BLE, iClass, & Prox

Solution Synergy, provides  RFID Card Readers such as pcProxPlus, BLE Bluetooth, Nano, EPCS, Istop and secure print solutions. As an RFIDeas Engage Integrator partner, we love sharing the benefits of our low overhead, by providing special HIMSS member discounts and other significant discounts regardless of your company size.

RF IDeas provides a full line of proximity and contactless HIPAA compliant readers and devices to keep organizations on top of their compliance requirements in the digital world. All of our readers offer the technologies necessary to meet and enhance these complex compliance requirements. Adding RFID Card Readers makes it easy to simplify access. Just tap an ID badge to the reader and log on—enabling fast authentication and improved operational efficiency.

Solving Critical Healthcare Issues with RFIDeas and Solution Synergy

  • Identity Access Management (IAM) – Tap-in, tap-out access
  • Follow-me applications
  • EPCS (e-prescribe) & IStop compliance
  • Privacy Auditing
  • Security Verification
  • Multi-function Printer access
  • Role-based authorization control
  • Report Generator – compliance
  • Open API – permits custom applications

RFID card-based solutions offer IT departments more security and more information to improve authentication and improve overall clinical workflow. At RFIDeas we understand the challenges of Healthcare IT departments.

RFIDeas Badge Readers

RF IDeas pcProx Plus is a dual frequency programmable card reader
Provides the advantages of reading both proximity and contactless smart cards in one reader. This RFID Card Readers allows users to leverage their employee ID badges, or any 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz tags or labels, for other forms of secure authentication and identification throughout the workplace.

Highly configurable technology allows the reader the capability of simultaneously handling any two of the available technologies — proximity or contactless. This multi-technology reader delivers flexibility to any customer, integrator or end user struggling with different card technologies. It’s ideal for enrollment into third party software or for single sign-on integrators.

As one of the most robust readers available today, the pcProx Plus is provided standard with four card configurations (two are pre-set; two are user definable) enabling an IT or security department to seamlessly integrate additional card types.  Additionally, the user-adjustable beeper volume lets users set the volume low or off for quiet zones or adjust the beeper volume to high in noisy work environments.

RFID Card Readers

pcProx Plus Badge Reader

RFIDeas pcProx Plus BLE (Bluetooth):
The pcProx® Plus BLE is a dual frequency programmable card reader with integrated Bluetooth® low energy technology. In addition to reading both proximity (125/132 kHz) and contactless (13.56 MHz) smart cards, the reader also interacts with sensors and mobile devices that are enabled with Bluetooth low energy. It can also utilize beaconing technology to serve a wide variety of use cases, such as in-building location, item tracking and secure authentication. Combined with third party wayfinding software and beacons, the pcProx Plus BLE helps staff find the nearest secure printer, determine a person’s location, track assets and more.  Other features include:

• Card reader and Bluetooth low energy module in one device, saving a USB port for other peripherals
• Instant identification and authentication using either your mobile device or employee ID badge
• Four ID badge (card) configurations to accommodate multi-card systems
• User-selectable volume control including a beeper on/off setting selection Seamless Integration

Wave ID RFID Card Readers

pcProx Plus BLE Reader
(Bluetooth Low Energy)

RFIDeas pcProx Nano 125 kHz or 13.56 MHz “Small Form Factor” Reader:
The pcProx® Nano reader incorporates all the features of the desktop and surface mount readers into an ultra-compact USB format. Its small size makes it easy for embedding into monitor housings, connecting to printers or for the mobile worker – such as nurses moving from patient room to patient room, or doctors, traveling from surgery to patient’s bedside – to do their job while complying with organizational guidelines for authentication, identification and access.

NANO RFID Card Readers

Nano 125 kHz or 13.56 Mhz Reader

Embedded RFIDeas Dual Frequency Badge Reader Keyboard

KSI-1700 SX HB-16 with RFIDeas 125kHz & 13.56Mhz Dual Frequency Reader:
KSI San-a-Key® keyboards feature a low profile, sealed key switch array that can be disinfected using EPA-approved germicidal wipes. Our San-a-Key® Badge Keyboard reads most common physical access badges, allowing users to reuse building badges to logon to a desktop computer.  RFIDeas Keyboard integration allows for a clean, uncluttered desktop, longer life, and less chance of a standalone reader being stolen, broken, or lost.

KSI Medical Keyboards

Embedded RFIDeas Card Reader

Wave ID Nano Reader
Nano 125 Prox or iClass 13.56 Readers Data Sheet
Wave ID RFID Card Readers
WaveID BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) Reader Data Sheet
Wave ID Plus Reader
WaveID Dual Frequency Reader Data Sheet

Solution Synergy, LLC 
“Healthcare Cyber Security Solutions That Work!”